Hyperbole and a half

A couple of squiggly lines and funny faces won’t usually draw my attention — unless of course it’s over at Hyperbole and a Half where funny reigns and those stick figures serve to tell you a story in the fastest, quickest way possible.
I won’t lie — these characters aren’t the most fashionable around. They don’t look like they took a long time to draw, and they most certainly look like something a 5 year old drew up in Microsoft Paint. But that’s where the fun lies — because it’s so raw and mind-bendingly simple, Allie’s pictures manages to express a thousand 
 jokes with just a few simple strokes.
My current favorite? Level 3 from the article 4 levels of social entrapment. Take a look at that and tell me you can’t imagine the soundtrack to Psycho playing at the background.
Hilarious stuff!