Believe The Lie - Baron Münchausen

Illustration by mauguima@deviantart

Yesterday, i was reading a novel that i bought in past week. I found some interesting 'thing', that novel says something like syndrome Munchausen. Then i going googling and got some information. Syndrome Munchausen is a term for psychiatric disorders known as factitious disorderswherein those affected feign disease, illness, or psychological trauma in order to draw attentionor sympathy to themselves. And that syndrome name derive to Baron Munchausen (Karl Friedrich Hieronymus Freiherr von Münchhausen, 1720-1797) who purportedly told many fantastic and impossible adventures about himself. Here some random illustration of Baron Munchausen that i got from DeviantArt.

Illustration by rainesz@deviantart

Illustration by Goh@deviantart
Illustration by TeamSmithy@deviantart